island planetarium

Evening Sessions

Stargazing & Monthly Sky Guide

Fort Victoria has been awarded “Dark Sky Discovery Site” status, so why not come and enjoy it with us.

£12.00 each month, every third month you visit is FREE

Book by Wednesday of the previous week, we run this event ONLY if more than 10 people have booked.


Call us on 07713 762796 or you can email to, to pay by SUMUP payment link

We use our virtual reality Planetarium to give you a fascinating guide of what to look for in the night sky each month. We’ll show you how to find your way around the sky and what to see this month. You’ll get a printed monthly sky guide to remind you what to look for.
If the sky is clear, there’s telescopic and binocular observing, so do come well wrapped up! The whole experience lasts about two hours.

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Monthly Sky Guide – March 2025

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Overall this is an under-used and under-appreciated resource. If you are looking for a stargazing course and can’t make it to Mauna Kea or the Atacama desert, this one on the Isle of Wight is a good one, you just have to keep your fingers crossed for good weather and clear skies.