Island Planetarium

It’s that Stargazing Place in West Wight”



Run by two enthusiastic astronomers supported by a growing band of volunteers

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Virtual Reality Astrodome & Stargazing Events


NAW logo
NAW logo

Saturday 1st to 9th February – Chasing the Moon

Moon tracking chart for web social media Google Drive copy

All week long as soon as it is dark and if it is clear, enjoy ‘Chasing the Moon‘ across the sky as it passes a treasure trove of planets anwinter constellations.

Follow the Moon’s progress with this observing chart and  see the stars in our special planetarium show on Monday or Friday at 12:30 pm but you must book the day before. Do go to the National Astronomy Week website explore a new theme each day with online events, information, and downloadable resources for all ages. Or settle back and listen to our storyteller.

Use the Events map to find what taking place across the country.



£6.00 ticket gives you two shows on the same day

Pre-booked and prepaid by email ONLY to

Enter your name, Number of people, Date show and time (Shows start promptly on the hour from 12 till 3 pm). PLEASE GET HERE 15 minutes before the show start time.

We shall send you a payment link (SUMUP), which must be paid by midday on the day before your show.

CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE ISLAND PLANETARIUM OR BY RINGING US ON 07713 762796 Please book ahead, we do not sell walk-in entry for our stargazing evenings.

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HT>Sav copy
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val poster

Also 25% OFF every show and event with our LOCAL RESIDENT DISCOUNT CARD

PCOSTS ONLY £12.50 for th***************

MSG 182 Advert
MSG 182 Advert

£12.00 each month, every third month you visit is FRE

Book by Wednesday of the previous week, we run this event ONLY if more than 10 people have booked.

Call us on 07713 762796 or you can email to, to pay by SUMUP payment link

 This event runs on the first Tuesday of every month.

We use our virtual reality Planetarium to give you a fascinating guide of what to look for in the night sky each month. We’ll show you how to find your way around the sky and what to see this month. You’ll get a printed monthly sky guide to remind you what to look for. 
If the sky is clear, there’s telescopic and binocular observing, so do come well wrapped up! The whole experience lasts about two hours.

2025 MSG FEB
2025 MSG FEB

Dark Sky Discovery Site

“Hope to be back soon !”